I was born in Milan, Italy in 1979 in an italian family of chefs that came from Tuscany 25 years prior. From Tuscany they brought two things with them: the art of Tuscan cooking and the passion for cycling. So strong was the passion of my father for cycling that when I was born he put a sign on his Tuscan Trattoria saying “the heir of Fausto Coppi was born”! Not too much pressure, eh? On these premises I guess that it would have been unlikely for me to follow a different path. However, before embarking in the cycling world officially, my father suggested I dedicate myself to some other sport in fact I played soccer for several years only to return to my true passion in the end. Since the age of 19 I have been loyal to myself and the great love for cycling that I have been nourishing since I was a child.

                                         How did it go?

The road like for most people, was not always an easy one. I lost my mom to colon cancer when I was just 5 years old. I suffered serious knee injuries after a crash during my neo-professional years in 2009 that left me without walking for a while and far away for cycling for 5 years. But it was during that difficult time that I gatherd my determination and resilience and continued to learn and grow, to deepen that knowledge and experience that I had already acquired to become the best cycling coach that I could be. It marked the end of an era but the beginning of another! I was sports director for Pro Team Amore&Vita for two years. I coach cyclists of all ages and categories to successfully reach their true potential. I also continue to be an athlete myself, competing mainly in ultra-cycling races, my newfound passion. I did Race Across America in 2016 (see photo on the right) and hope to be back very soon. 

Ho did I end up in Tenerife?

As a coach I had already begun to carry out training camps in Italy and I was considering world renown Teide and Tenerife for winter training camps because in Italy it’s still too cold in February. Before Race Across America 2016 I came to train for a few weeks and absolutely loved the place. I instantly knew I wanted to live here full time so that I could train more and better all year long. I could do my coaching work remotely anyway and my family loved it too! Ever since moving here it has been an absolute delight.